A big thank you to everybody who worked so hard to make this weekend’s contest a success.
- Our adjudicators Mareika Gray (training bands, fourth and second sections) and Mark Wilkinson (third, first and championship sections).
- Our retired president, Marie Smith, and Patricia Hope for running registration.
- A special thanks to Mike Allcock and Emma Palmer who impeccably managed the movement of bands between their changing room, the warmup room and registration throughout the weekend.
- Our stewards and helpers: our president, Lynden Cooper, our chair, Melanie Cooper, our treasurer, Kevin Holdgate, Judith Beckett, Rob Burrows, Brian Draper, Stan Lippeatt, Kate Nelson, Ian Peberday and Jo Priestley.
- Newstead Brass for the loan of the percussion and Mark Davis and his team of helpers from Newstead who transported it to and from the venue.
- The Long Eaton Silver Prize Band who provided the music stands for the contest.
- Our venue, The Post Mill Centre, for hosting the contest and their staff for being so helpful.
- Brass Band Music (Gavin Somerset) and Durham Music Shop (Brian Yates) for bringing their trade stands and donating music vouchers to our section winners.
- Newstead Brass for the loan of the percussion and Mark Davis and his team of helpers from Newstead who transported it to and from the venue.
- Our bands, without whom we would not have had a contest and those of you who came to support the bands.